Monday, April 2, 2012

Paratger Paris dans Le Printemps

You can tell that Le Printemps is slowly, doucement, arriving in Paris.  ....  les fleurs savages are popping up in the grass in the parks; tulips and daffodils are being sold on every corner, 
painted toenails are seen on the metro, boots are not the chausseurs of choice;  parties are lasting longer into the night; the trees are dotting the parks and rues with pale pink blooms, the winter citrus isn't as plentiful at the markets, and the strawberries are taking their place ... brightly decorated chocolate Easter bunnies are crowding into the vitrines of the patisseries ... rosé wines are being served at the corner café ...

But, the most important sign that spring is here is people are starting to fall in love, tomber amoureux !


"C'est quand le soleil brille qu'il faut faire les foins"


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. thanks for the compliment, and maybe you could help out with my french?

  3. Can't comment on your French...mon Francais est si mauvais!!! But I can vouch for everything that you've said....isn't Paris gorgeous in le printemps?

    1. Merci, and yes, my french has lots to be desired ... but my classes still continue on a weekly basis, and I have the added bonus of everyone in my village enjoy being my professor. They teach me, and I teach their children english. Its a good exchange!
      Sadly, Paris has turned a bit gray these past two days... but spring will return soon enough.
      Bon weekend,

  4. Frankly, I have heard a lot about Paris over my 77 years of life, but am always thankful, and feel blessed, that all roads do, in fact lead back home and home: where the heart is; where the memories are, and where you don't feel like you have to act like a visitor. I always wanted to go to Europe when I was a kid but ended up in the Far East in Japan during the Occupation. For that I am thankful as I discovered I was able to drink whiskey and even fall-down-drunk on vodka and nobody knew who I was but I was just classified as another "drunken soldier" in the occupation army. I also learned about "simplicity" and how you can make the finest ponds with temples and bonsai-cut trees using pea-size gravel for the water and a big rake to make the waves. It was a learning experience for me. I am sure Paris would be another learning experience but at my age, I don't feel much like an ambitious student. Thanks for your visits to my blog. I am so glad you took the Word Verification feature off. It makes my life so much less of a hassle. What was Blogger thinking?
