Friday, August 20, 2010

Partager Senlis

Cathédrale Notre-Dame Senlis

Mr. T and I are spending our last few days of his vacances taking day trips here and there, looking for a possible place to live someday ...  Our daytrips have been chosen with the help of my great new favorite book by Annabel Simms, One Hour From Paris.   The book is just the thing to motivate you out to the outer edges of the RERs lines (regional trains of Paris), and then even further on to the footpaths that were used years ago.  The book is organized into city/chapters which give you a nice historical summary, suggested visit and lots of useful FYIs at the end of each chapter ... such as best time to go, (based on fresh markets days, museum hours, etc),  getting there (train, car, taxi, etc) museums/attractions, and restaurants .. enough information to lure you there and keep you occupied until the last train leaves!  We chose the city of Senlis, which is located at the convergence of several major forests, boasts exceptional architectural and cultural heritage.  Its 40 ha is a preserved area well-loved by film-directors.  The day flew by exploring the riches of the city that Ms. Simms had described so well.

Maybe we could live here someday?

Fall is just around the corner ... one of the best times to Partager Paris and More!
Plan your trip and we will explore together!

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